Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Marching Band!!

I'm very happy to say that I'm officially a part or the MAHS marching band! :) I'm not sure how long it's been since the last time there was a guitarist in the band but apperently it's going to be alot of pressure because everyone excpects me to be amazing lol. Oh well, so far it's a blast. The only problem is that I have to march in time and even with the snare drum helping me, I have pretty much no sense of rhythm. Also, the upper-classmen are intimidating -not that they try to be lol. Other than marching band, school has been alright. Yesterday I presented a song that I wrote about Romeo & Juliet to my English class. All things considered, I guess it went well, except my voice squeeked because that song was too high, but that's a whole other story. It's a good thing I really like music.

1 comment:

  1. "It's a good thing I like music"--haha! Weeeell, I'll just have to see you playing your guitar. And yes you do have a sense of rhythm! (I think upper-classmen are intimidating, too, so you're not alone.haha) Sometime we must get together and make Ashlyn Sound's blog ;)
